Robert - Level Design

Robert - Level Design

Today, I mapped out how I wanted the level to look. I am planning on having the game as one long level, where the player progresses upwards. I used three different sheets of paper to draw the different thirds of the level, starting with the start of the game:

Start of the game - 1/3

At the start of the game, I mainly wanted to show the basic mechanics and create the dark and eerie atmosphere of the factory. At the very start, there will be instructions on the wall telling the user the controls for the game as they need to use them. This is a dynamic way of getting the user to test the mechanics for themself, so they can get the hang of it easier. 

There will be a very simple puzzle at the start, which involves the player using a spring and a plank to reach a box, which must then be placed on the button to hold the door open. The spring must then be carried through the door to progress.

Middle of game - 2/3

The middle of the game will gradually increase in difficult and will require more thinking on the user's part. In this puzzle there are three doors, the first door is open, the second door is shut and the third door is open. When the lever is pulled, each door will swap states, which means the third door which holds the key and the heart will be inaccessible. The player must move the springs and plank so they can pull the level, shutting the second door, and escape through the ceiling of that room to make their way to the (now open) door and collect the key needed to unlock the door and a heart, which will make the screen brighter for the player.

End of game - 3/3

The end of the game will be visually different than the rest, as the factory walls turn to dirt and grass. In this puzzle, the player must place a plank over the hole, creating a bridge. After this, the player must put the spring on the plank to ascend to the ledges above. On the right, the player can open a trapdoor which allows them to take the spring off the plank and place it under the trapdoor. From here, the player can pick up the planka dn place it over the other hole (just below the button) and use it to climb the crates on the left. Using the plank and spring, the user can hit the button in the middle and activate the movable platform. the player can now use this to gain the key and another heart. Finally, the player can use the spring to exit the locked door on the right and the final cutscene will play.

The next job is to assemble the level and carry on programming the mechanics. Thank you for reading!

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